Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Google announces two mobile-first product innovations at DMEXCO

Sridhar Ramaswamy, Google's SVP of Ads & Commerce made two major product announcements this morning at DMEXCO 2016.

The first announcement centred on event-based optimization in Universal App Campaigns app ads, and the other around YouTube's 'TrueView' service.

Universal App Campaigns

Google announced this morning that its app ads have now driven 3 billion installs for developers.

Google previously announced crossing the 2 billion threshold at Google I/O only back in May so this extra one billion installs has been added in just four months.

Facebook also announced in May that it had also driven 2 billion installs so it will be interesting to see what the social network makes of Google's sudden growth.

On the back of this announcement, Sridhar has unveiled a new update giving advertisers around the globe the ability to do event-based optimization in Universal App Campaigns.

Here's Sridhar on the next generation of Universal App Campaigns:

“Across Google Search, Play, YouTube, and the millions of sites and apps in the Google Display Network, Universal App Campaigns can now help you find the customers that matter most to you, based on your defined business goals.”

Universal App Campaigns works by evaluating countless signals in real time to continuously refine ads so a brand can reach its most valuable users at the right price across Google's largest properties.

As people start to engage with your ads, Google learns where you're finding the highest value users.

To use Google's example: Google may learn that the users who tap into the most hotel deals are those who watch travel vlogs on YouTube. So, Google will show more of your ads on those types of YouTube channels.

Trivago has been one of the first to test this new version of Universal App Campaigns and it found it was able to find users who were more likely to click on hotel deals in-app to book a room. As a result, Trivago acquired customers who were 20% more valuable to its business across both Android and iOS.

trivago apps

YouTube 'TrueView for Action'

In a recent study, Google found that 47% of US adults aged 18 to 54 say YouTube helps them at least once a month when making a decision about buying something – that's an estimated 70 million people going to YouTube every month for help with a purchase.

So on the back of this research, Google is rolling out a new YouTube campaign type called 'TrueView for Action'.

The new TrueView campaign allows brand advertisers to make their video ads more actionable with tailored to calls-to-action during and after the video, like “Get a quote,” “Book now” or “Sign up.”


This is an effort to make TrueView work as a direct or performance marketing tool for brand advertisers, in addition to driving brand value.

Sridhar continues…

“This is especially advantageous for brands that offer products or services with high consideration, like financial services, automotive, or travel. TrueView for action can help you move your customers along the path to purchase by encouraging actions like scheduling an appointment or requesting more information.”

Google will start testing this new format with advertisers throughout the rest of this year.

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