Monday, February 22, 2016

What will Googles Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) mean for marketers?

Googles Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project is due to launch at the end of February, taking a huge stride towards Googles stated goal of a better, faster mobile internet.

But just what will AMP consist of, and what will it mean for the marketing industry?

Last October, Google announced the introduction of its Accelerated Mobile Pages project, a new open-source initiative aiming to dramatically improve the performance of the mobile web.

This latest move towards a more mobile-friendly web is Googles answer to Facebooks Instant Articles and Apple News. But while both of those initiatives require entering into a dedicated partnership with Facebook or Apple, anyone can get on board with Googles AMP and use it to create web pages.

In the months since the announcement, weve seen a lot more information released about what AMP will consist of, its key features and how it will alter the experience of the mobile web.

With a full launch of AMP due by the end of the month, now is the perfect time to get to grips with how AMP works, and how it can work to your advantage in a marketing context.

What is AMP, and what does it do?

Simply put, Accelerated Mobile Pages is a stripped-down version of the mobile web which runs on a reinvented version of the language used to create web pages: HTML.

This reimagined version of HTML, known as AMP HTML, strips out most of the elements which cause web pages to load slower on mobile, like JavaScript and third-party scripts.

Two screenshots comparing the regular mobile web version of The Guardian news site with the Accelerated Mobile Pages version. The AMP version of the site is on the left. The URL bar at the top of the AMP version displays

The AMP version of a Guardian news article (left) vs. the regular mobile version (right)

Google boasts that a page created with AMP HTML can load anywhere from 15 to 85% faster than the non-AMP version of that page. Theyve also made it easy for web publishers to get started in AMP with a tutorial that walks you through the creation of an AMP page.

Sounds good so far. However, by stripping down the experience of using the mobile web, Google is stripping out a lot of the infrastructure advertisers and marketers currently depend on to deliver impactful brand messages to users.

But dont despair just yet.

While some aspects of AMP will require a new approach to advertising on mobile, there are a number of other reasons why getting on board with AMP could be a good idea.

Accelerated Mobile Pages get a boost in search rankings

Since the advent of Googles Mobilegeddon algorithm last year, weve known that mobile-friendliness is a factor in search rankings, with sites that pass Googles Mobile-Friendly Test appearing higher up the search results, and unfriendly pages banished to the bleak wastelands of the second and third results pages.

So it follows that Accelerated Mobile Pages, which are specifically designed to load quickly and provide a great user experience on mobile, would get a serious search ranking boost. We can also see from Googles demo of AMP search that AMP sites are highlighted with a little green lightning-bolt, inviting users in to experience these lightning-fast mobile pages.

A screenshot of the Accelerated Mobile Pages search demo, showing results for the search term

Faster rendering equals more pageviews and more ad views

According to Kissmetrics, 40% of web users will abandon a page if it takes longer than three seconds to load, a waiting time which is likely to be exacerbated on mobile by signal issues.

So faster-loading mobile pages would seem to be in everyones interest no-one is going to see an advert or read a brand message if they abandon a page before it loads.

Googles AMP will require some re-conceptualising of digital adverts on mobile, but they wont be going away. Google of all companies recognises the importance of online advertising. Faster-rendering pages mean more pageviews per session, which means users see more ads as a result.

And speaking of pageviews, Google is making sure that AMP traffic can be quantified and analysed just like regular web pages. AMP will have in-built native support for Google Analytics, but youll also be able to make use of partners such as Chartbeat, comScore and Adobe Analytics for user traffic and behaviour data.

Fine-tuning ad control

Googles January announcement about advertising and AMP also contained some interesting details about how AMP ads will work and what publishers will be able to do with them.

When AMP launches on Google Search in February, it will include important, basic functionalities. These include the ability to traffic ads with ad servers of your choice, support for multiple demand sources and formats (including native ads), full control over ads placements, and viewability measurement.

This is an incredibly useful set of tools and functionalities for anyone involved in advertising, and perhaps goes to show how keen Google really is to court advertisers with the AMP project.

Google is also keen for it to be known that 20+ ad tech vendors are already on board with AMP, including the likes of Outbrain, Taboolah and AOL.

A screenshot from The Guardian's Accelerated Mobile Page, showing an advertisement placed in the middle of the text which features a beautiful perfume bottle against a background of red roses.

Google is determined that ad content on AMP should be fast, secure and beautiful

But while Google is content to let publishers and marketers have control over numerous aspects of advertiing, there are some parts of the ad experience that it is adamant about dictating.

In its blog post, Google sets out four key principles that guide its approach to advertising on AMP: it should be fast, beautiful, secure (use of HTTPS will be mandatory) and involve co-operation across the industry. The company is insistent that working according to these principles will be the key to unlocking the next $50 billion of advertising revenue on mobile.

In short, with the launch of Accelerated Mobile Pages, Google is very much expecting marketers to dance to its tune, and conform to its own vision of what a better mobile web should look like in order to reap the rewards.

But with fasterloading speeds and better user engagement on mobile, combined with AMPs built-in features and the clout that Google wields in the internet arena, it looks like hopping on board with AMP is a worthwhile move as well as a relatively painless one.

All About Google Removing Sidebar Ads: What You Need to Know

This post will try to clear up the confusion and questions people have following Google's removal of right sidebar ads.

The post All About Google Removing Sidebar Ads: What You Need to Know appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Introducing Creative Ways of Using Email Notifications

Making the right marketing decisions online is not just about having the right information at your fingertips. It is also about timely information. Having marketing signals sent straight to your inbox can help you make better, faster decisions. But how should we deal with the high volume of messages hitting our inboxes every day? With

The post Introducing Creative Ways of Using Email Notifications appeared first on Majestic Blog.

Ridiculously Useful Social Media Stats You Have To Read and Share RIGHT NOW!

Social media is the driving force for everything from engagement to content these days. Every marketer is obsessed with keeping ahead of trends and carving out a piece of the market that can be exploited in the long term.

If you have been watching the growth of different networks, you know you have your pick of the litter. It all depends on your goals and what you produce. But do you know the more narrow and important statistics that will help inform your campaign?

Here are some must-read statistics that will be ridiculously helpful when it comes to social media marketing.

YouTube Stats

Youtube is now bigger than cable TV networks

  1. Youtube is bigger than cable TV networks (Tweet this)

  2. Traffic to YouTube is global, with 80% of views from outside the US, spanning across 76 different countries (Tweet this)

  3. YouTube Spaces has now expanded to include video production space in Los Angeles, New York, London, Tokyo, Sao Paulo and Berlin. In these production suites independent creators have filmed more than 10,000 videos in the past year alone (Tweet this)

  4. More than 1 billion users visit YouTube (Tweet this)

Facebook Stats

Facebook remains the largest and most active social network, with more than a billion daily active users, and 1.5 billion active monthly users

  1. Facebook remains the largest and most active social network, with more than a billion daily active users, and 1.5 billion active monthly users (Tweet this)

  2. The average user spends 40 minutes or more per day on the social network (Tweet this)

  3. A full 91% of the millennial demographic use Facebook in some capacity, many actively (Tweet this)

  4. Canada is the country with the most active users on Facebook (Tweet this)


Twitter stats

  1. Twitter reported 320 million monthly active users as of October 2015, with 100 million active daily users (Tweet this)

  2. Unlike many networks, Twitter users tend to be active at multiple points through the day, and 29% report checking their account multiple times a day (Tweet this)

  3. Teens are very active on Twitter, and 26% report it as their favorite social network (Tweet this)

  4. Millennials make up a decent proportion of users, at 29% of overall active membership (Tweet this)


Every second two new people sign up for a LinkedIn account

  1. As of October 2015, LinkedIn had 400 million subscribers (Tweet this)

  2. Every second two new people sign up for a LinkedIn account, making its growth steady and impressive (Tweet this)

  3. Unlike some websites that claim a heavy membership but a large chunk of it is inactive, LinkedIn gets 100 million unique visits per month (Tweet this)

  4. Approximately 13% of millennials use LinkedIn for professional connections (Tweet this)


Pinterest has grown to 100 million active users

  1. Pinterest has grown to 100 million active users (Tweet this)

  2. The majority of users are still women at 85%, though the number of men who use the site is increasing (Tweet this)

  3. As of September 2015, the number of users outside the US has reached 45%, higher than at any other point since Pinterest launch (Tweet this)

  4. A full 66% of Pinterest users save things that they describe as inspiring, making Pinterest the most inspirational of the social networks (Tweet this)


More than 75 million users use Instagram every day, and 400 million use it every month

  1. More than 75 million users use Instagram every day, and 400 million use it every month (Tweet this)

  2. An impressive 27.5% of the entire US population has claimed to have used Instagram in the year 2015 (Tweet this)

  3. A fairly even split between male and female users exist on Instagram, with 51% being male, and 49% being female (Tweet this)

  4. Almost all Instagram users are under the age of 35, making it a social network that appeals almost entirely to millennials (Tweet this)


Since its launch in 2005, Reddit has become the dominant social network for content sharing

  1. Since its launch in 2005, Reddit has become the dominant social network for content sharing and individual communities, with 360 million user accounts (Tweet this)

  2. The average Reddit user will have several accounts, including what they call throwaways. These are accounts used specifically for a post or community, and then abandoned. Some alternative accounts will remain active (Tweet this)

  3. There are more than 850,000 subreddits on the site, with more being created every day. Tens of thousands of those subreddits are active (Tweet this)

  4. In 2015, Reddit saw more than 73 million submissions, and 725 million comments (Tweet this)

What These Statistics Tell Us

For one thing, that the gap between networks in many ways is widening. Yes, Facebook and Youtube still hold the lions share of activity. But the other networks are really neck in neck, maintaining active user bases within similar demographics.

Pinterest is seeing an increasing number of global users joining and using the site. Instagram is even keeled between genders, and has an overall young demographic. Twitter is much less popular than Facebook, and yet has an impressive multi-day return rate.

Reddit is a community focused site with a dedicated user base that comes back again and again to participate through direct enagement. LinkedIn remains a top choice for professionals, especially those already in higher positions that want to connect with other industry leaders.

Social Media Is Hotter Than Ever

It seems like such a trite thing to say, that social media is still popular. It is more than just popular, it is a growing part of our daily lives. How many of you reading this go on a social network right in the morning? It has become the new newspaper and coffee routine!

What social media stats do you know? Let us know in the comments!

Stats sources:

  • Youtube:1, 2

  • LinkedIn:1,2

  • Pinterest:1,2

  • Facebook:1

  • Twitter:1, 2

  • Instagram:1,2

  • Reddit:1

The post Ridiculously Useful Social Media Stats You Have To Read and Share RIGHT NOW! appeared first on Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

How to Choose the Best Website Domain Name by @thekylerp

There are many things to think about when it comes to picking the perfect domain name for yourself or your business.

The post How to Choose the Best Website Domain Name by @thekylerp appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016

Four Ads on Top: The Wait Is Over

Posted by Dr-Pete

For the past couple of months, Google has been testing SERPs with 4 ads at the top of the page (previously, the top ad block had 1-3 ads), leading to a ton of speculation in the PPC community. Across the MozCast data set, 4 ads accounted for only about 1% of SERPs with top ads (which matches testing protocol, historically). Then, as of yesterday, this happened:

Over the past 2 weeks, we've seen a gradual increase, but on the morning of February 18, the percentage of top ads blocks displaying 4 ads jumped to 18.9% (it's 19.3% as of this morning). Of the 5,986 page-1 SERPs in our tracking data that displayed top ads this morning, here's how the ad count currently breaks down:

As you can see, 4-ad blocks have overtaken 2-ad blocks and now account for almost one-fifth of all top ad blocks. Keep in mind that this situation is highly dynamic and will continue to change over time. At the 19% level, though, it's unlikely that this is still in testing.

Sample SERPs & Keywords

The 4-ad blocks look the same as other, recent top ad blocks, with the exception of the fourth listing. Here's one for "used cars," localized to the Chicago area:

Here's another example, from an equally competitive search, "laptops":

As you can see, the ads continue to carry rich features, including site-links and location enhancements. Other examples of high-volume searches that showed 4 top ads in this morning's data include:

    • "royal caribbean"
    • "car insurance"
    • "smartphone"
    • "netbook"
    • "medicare"
    • "job search"
    • "crm"
    • "global warming"
    • "cruises"
    • "bridesmaid dresses"

Please note that our data set tends toward commercial queries, so it's likely that our percentages of occurrence are higher than the total population of searches.

Shift in Right-column Ads

Along with this change, we've seen another shift - right-hand column ads seem to be moving to other positions. This is a 30-day graph for the occurrence of right-hand ads and bottom ads in our data set:

The same day that the 4-ad blocks jumped, there was a substantial drop in right-column ad blocks and corresponding increasing in bottom ad blocks. Rumors are flying that AdWords reps are confirming this change to some clients, but confirmation is still in progress as of this writing.

Where is Google Headed?

We can only speculate at this point, but there are a couple of changes that have been coming for a while. First, Google has made a public and measurable move toward mobile-first design. Since mobile doesn't support the right-hand column, Google may be trying to standardize the advertising ecosystem across devices.

Second, many new right-hand elements have popped up in the last couple of years, including Knowledge Panels and paid shopping blocks (PLAs). These entities push right-hand column ads down, sometimes even below the fold. At the same time, Knowledge Panels have begun to integrate with niche advertising in verticals including hotels, movies, music, and even some consumer electronics and other products.

This is a volatile situation and the numbers are likely to change over the coming days and weeks. I'll try to update this post with any major changes.

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Google Removes Right Hand Sidebar Ads by @DustyVegas

Starting today, Google will begin phasing out the right hand gutter ads.

The post Google Removes Right Hand Sidebar Ads by @DustyVegas appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Ghost Bugs and the Right to be Forgotten - Weekly Forum Roundup

seochat-wmw-cre8asite-threadwatch-roundupIt's been an exceptionally busy week in our communities! Sometimes a slow news week is a blessing - it gives our users more time to focus on the nitty-gritty aspects of SEO and online marketing.

There are a few tidbits of news that we have to share though - Google's link command appears to be broken, Linux machines are facing down a critical glibc "GHOST" bug, and "Right to be Forgotten" requests have become IP specific, among others.

Let's dig in.

Say Farewell to the Google Link Command

Searching with "link:" before your search terms used to be something you could do in Google - but lately a lot of folks out there are saying that it doesn't seem to be working. Is that much of a loss?

As our Threadwatch reporter puts it,

"When was the last time you searched Google with the link: command? I can't remember either."

When was the last time you searched Google with the link: command?Click To Tweet

Facebook's Instant Articles Will be Opened up to Any Publisher on April 12

Instant articles are claimed to be "fast and responsive," by Facebook. They use the technology of the Facebook app to load articles instantly and, supposedly, ten times faster than your run of the mill mobile web. They also come with neat tools like allowing readers to zoom in on photos, autoplay video, add voice clips and maps, and all sorts of things. Overall, it's pretty neat - and starting on April 12, it'll be available to any publisher that wants to use them.

In a previous WebmasterWorld thread, user webcentric wrote that instant articles could "[start] a completely new era in publishing," if they opened up to everyone.

"If this can be monetized by the publisher...who needs a website?" they wrote.

User Robert Charlton wrote that instant articles bring a "huge potential audience," and that Facebook's article selecting algorithm seemed effective. Get all the details for this latest announcement through the link above!

Wikimedia is NOT Building a Search Engine, Even Though it Really Sounds Like They Are

A Threadwatch reporter brings this one to us through Wikimedia's official blog. The idea of a "Google Killer" has been floating around in SEO circles for a long time. "Who will be the straw to break Google's back?" many wonder.

"Bing and Duck Duck Go are gaining market share, but neither is shaping up to overthrow Google any time soon," writes a Threadwatch user.

Thoughts? Neither Bing or Duck Duck Go is shaping up to overthrow Google any time soon..Click To Tweet

And, although Wikimedia is working on something vaguely search engine-y (they call it a "Knowledge Engine") they've clarified that it won't be competing with Google.

Critical glibc GHOST Bug Leaves All Linux Machines Vulnerable

This new bug is being compared to Heartbleed on WebmasterWorld, and Ars Technica called it "a potentially catastrophic flaw in one of the Internet's core building blocks."

It was discovered by Google and Red Hat, and they've already discovered some ways to mitigate the damages.

There's a patch available which, if you need, you should definitely research and install. For details on how the bug works and what to do if you've got a Linux machine, take a look at the resources in this thread!

October 2015 Saw Record High Content Generation...But Record Low Engagement

"Content is king," gets repeated so often that maybe, finally, the market for content is becoming over-saturated. According to a Threadwatch reporter, "the average brand [generated] 87.5 posts per social media channel," in October 2015.

However, interactions per post clocked in at an absolutely abysmal 2.19 per 1000 followers. You can read about these figures, as well as the so-called "Content Marketing Paradox," over on Threadwatch!

Google Extends "Right to be Forgotten" Across Its Network for EU IPs

Previously, Right to be Forgotten requests only applied to the EU versions of Google -,,, etc. If a citizen of the EU used, though, those requests would no longer apply. In a recent announcement, Google has stated that they will extend Right to be Forgotten requests to IP instead of just country-specific domains.

But can anything really be forgotten on the Internet? WebmasterWorld user JS_Harris writes,

"...since this is purely based on access, and not actual data retention, there is NO WAY they will be able to conceal that data from someone who really wants it (see: NSA taps into Google nodes)..."

Google's Direct Answers and its Impact on SEO

Direct answers and the knowledge graph have been the subjects of much hand-wringing in the SEO community. Ever since they were created, webmasters have been afraid that they would steal traffic from their websites.

After all - if Google will answer your question right in SERPs, why bother clicking on a link? Google, however, has consistently stated that the knowledge graph does no damage to other websites. Check this discussion on SEO Chat for a little history!

Exposing Google Loopholes - How Brands Buy Their Way to the Top of Google

If you've searched Google recently you know that ads usually take up almost everything above the fold. The top results are generally paid. In this WebmasterWorld thread, users are discussing a recent article by Marty Weintraub where he wonders if this violates FTC guidelines about disclosure.

There's something of a loophole between Google's guidelines and its Quality Rater Guide that make it unclear how native advertisements are handled.

"I guess this is a loophole in the sense that there doesn't seem to be clear guidance from Google on ranking advertorials, just guidelines about not having value-passing links form them," writes user Andy Langton.

WebmasterWorld user robzilla writes that "Google News is the biggest loophole here, in my opinion. There's pretty much zero quality control, so it's relatively easy to start ranking for highly competitive trending searches." Definitely give this thread a read for a deeper understanding of the issues central to fair search.

Facebook Paid Page Likes - A Jump in Cost?

A user on Cre8asiteforums says that the cost per page like of Facebook ads seems to have leaped up.

"For a while it was usually around 70p for me, now it's ?2.50+," writes user Nny777.

And it's not just them - since October or so, other users have noticed the same thing. But paid likes might not even be worth the money to begin with. User glyn writes,

"Paid likes are not the way to go unless you are really able to lock down the audience types. The outcome otherwise will be an increased page like of people that are not interested."

If you're experimenting with Facebook advertising, check out this thread!

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The post Ghost Bugs and the Right to be Forgotten - Weekly Forum Roundup appeared first on Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Google Translate Now Available in Over 100 Languages

Google announced it has updated Translate with 13 new languages, now offering translations between 103 languages in total.

The post Google Translate Now Available in Over 100 Languages appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Success Metrics in a World Without Twitter Share Counts

Posted by EricaMcGillivray

On November 20, 2015, Twitter took away share counts on their buttons and from their accessible free metrics. Site owners lost an easy signal of popularity of their posts. Those of us in the web metrics business scrambled to either remove, change, or find alternatives for the data to serve to our customers. And all those share count buttons, on sites across the Web, started looking a tad ugly:

Where's my shares?Yep, this is a screenshot from our own site.

Why did Twitter take away this data?

When asked directly, Twitter's statement about the removal of tweet counts has consistently been:

"The Tweet counts alone did not accurately reflect the impact on Twitter of conversation about the content. They are often more misleading to customers than helpful."

On the whole, I agree with Twitter that tweet counts are not a holistic measurement of actual audience engagement. They aren't the end-all-be-all to showing your brand's success on the channel or for the content you're promoting. Instead, they are part of the puzzle -- a piece of engagement.

However, if Twitter were really concerned about false success reports, they would've long ago taken away follower counts, the ultimate social media vanity metric. Or taken strong measures to block automated accounts and follower buying. Not taking action against shallow metrics, while "protecting" users from share counts, makes their statement ring hollow.

OMG, did Twitter put out an alternative?

About a year ago, Twitter acquired Gnip, an enterprise metrics solution. Gnip mostly looks to combine social data and integrate it into a brand's customer reputation management software, making for some pretty powerful intelligence about customers and community members. But since it's focused on an enterprise audience, it's priced out of the reach of most brands. Plus, the fact that it's served via API means brands must have the knowledge and development skills/talent in order to really customize the data.

Since the share count shutdown, Gnip released a beta Engagement API and has promised an upcoming Audience API. This API seems to carry all the data you'd need to put those share counts back together. However, an important note:

"Currently only three metrics are available from the totals endpoint: Favorites, Replies, and Retweets. We are working to make Impressions and Engagements available."

For those of you running to your favorite tools -- Gnip's TOS currently forbids the reselling of their data, making it essentially forbidden to integrate into tools, although some companies like Buzzsumo have paid and gotten permission to use the data in their software. The share count removal caused Apple to quietly kill Topsy.

Feel social media's dark side, Twitter

Killing share counts hasn't been without its damage to Twitter as a brand. In his post about brands who's lost and won in Google search, Dr. Pete Meyers notes that Twitter dropped from #6 to #15. That has to hurt their traffic.

Twitter lost as a major brand on Google in 2015

However, Twitter also made a deal with Google in order to show tweets directly in Google searches, which means Twitter's brand may not be as damaged as it appears.

Star Wars tweet stream in Google results

Perhaps the biggest ding to Twitter is in their actual activity and sharing articles on their platform. Shareaholic reports sharing on Twitter is down 11% since the change was implemented.

Share of voice chart on Twitter from Shareaholic

It's hard to sell Twitter as a viable place to invest social media time, energy, and money when there's no easy proof in the pudding. You might have to dig further into your strategy and activities for the answers.

Take back your Twitter metrics!

The bad news: Almost none of these metrics actually replicate or replace the share count metric. Most of them cover only what you tweet, and they don't capture the other places your content's getting shared.

The good news: Some of these are probably better metrics and better goals.

Traffic to your site

Traffic may be an oldie, but it's a goodie. You should probably already be tracking this. And please don't just use Google Analytics' default settings, as they're probably slightly inaccurate.

Google Analytics traffic from Social and Twitter

Some defaults for one of my blogs, since I'm lazy.

Instead, make sure you tag what you're sharing on social media and you'll be better able to attribute your hard, hard work to the proper channels. Then you can really figure out if Twitter is the channel for your brand's content (or if you're using it right).

Use shortening services and their counters

Alternatively, especially if you're sharing content not on your own site, you can use share and click counting from various URL shortening services. But this will only count toward individual links you share.'s analytics around share counts for individual links

Twitter's own free analytics

No, you won't find the share count here, either. Twitter's backends are pretty limited to specific stats on individual tweets and some audience demographics. It can be especially challenging if you have multiple accounts and are working with a team. There is the ability to download reporting for further Excel wizardry.

Tweet impressions and Twitter's other engagement metrics

Twitter's engagement metric is "the number of engagements (clicks, retweets, replies, follows, and likes) divided by the total number of impressions." While this calculation seems like a good idea, it's not my favorite, given the specific calculation's hard to scale as you grow your audience. You're always going to have more lurkers instead of people engaging with your content, and it's going to take a lot of massaging of metric reporting when you explain how you grew your audience and those numbers went down. Or how the company with 100 followers does way better on Twitter's engagement metric.

TrueSocialMetric's engagement numbers

Now these are engagement metrics that you can scale, grow, and compare. Instead of looking at impressions, TrueSocialMetrics gives conversation, amplification, and applause rates for your social networks. This digs into the type of engagement you're having. For example, your conversation rate for Twitter is calculated by taking how many comments you got and dividing it by how many times you tweeted.

TrueSocialMetric's engagement numbers

At Moz, we use a combination of TrueSocialMetrics and traffic to report on the success of our social media efforts to our executives. We may use other metrics internally for testing or for other needs, depending on that specific project.


Shortly after the removal of share counts was announced, Twitcount popped up. It works by installing their share counters on your site, where it then can surface historical totals. Twitcount's numbers only start counting the day you install the code and the button to your site. There are limitations, since they use Twitter's API, and these limitations may cause data inaccuracies. I haven't used their solution, but if you have, let us know in the comments how it went!

Buffer's reach and RT metrics

Again, this only counts for your individual tweet's metrics, and Buffer only grabs metrics on tweets sent out via their platform. Buffer's reach metric is similar to what many traditional advertisers and people in public relations are used to, and it is similar to Twitter's general impressions metric. Reach looks at how far your tweet has possibly gone due to size of the retweeter's audience.

Like most analytic tools, you can export the metrics and play with them in Excel. Or you can pay for Buffer's business analytics, which runs between $50-$250/month.

Trending topics and hashtag reports

There are many tools out there where you can track specific trends and hashtags around your brand. At MozCon, we know people are tweeting using #MozCon. But not every brand has a special hashtag, or even knows the hot topics around their brand.

SproutSocial's trends report is unique in that it pulls both the topics and hashtags most associated with your brand and the engagement around those.

Obviously, in last July, #MozCon is hot. But you can also see that we have positive community sentiment around our brand by what else is happening.


Our friends at Buzzsumo can be used as a Topsy topic replacement and share counter. They did a great write-up on how to use their tool for keyword research. They are providing share counts from Gnip's data.

Share counts from BuzzSumo

Though when I ran some queries on Moz's blog posts, there seemed to be a big gap in their share counts. While we'd expect to see Moz's counts down a bit on the weekends, there would be something there:

BuzzSumo on Moz's share counts over the week

I'm unsure if this is Buzzsumo's or Gnip's data issue. It's also possibly that there are limits on the data, especially since Moz has large numbers of followers and gets large amounts of shares on our posts.

Use Fresh Web Explorer's Mention Authority instead

While Fresh Web Explorer's index only covers recent data -- the tool's main function being to find recent mentions of keywords around the web a la Google Alerts -- it can be helpful if you're running a campaign and relying on instant data no older than a month. Mention Authority does include social data. (Sorry, the full formula involved with creating the score is one of Moz's few trade secrets.) What's nice about this score is that it's very analogous across different disciplines, especially publicity campaigns, and can serve as a holistic alternative.

Fresh Web Explorer's mention authority

Embedded tweets for social proof

Stealing this one from our friends at Buffer, but if you're looking to get social proof back for people visiting your post, embedded tweets can work well. This allows others to see that your tweet about the post was successful, perhaps choosing to retweet and share with their audience.

Obviously, this won't capture your goals to hand to a boss. But this will display some success and provide an easy share option for people to retweet your brand.

Predictions for the future of Twitter's share count removal

Twitter will see this as a wash for engagement

With the inclusion of tweets directly in Google search results, it balances out the need for direct social proof. That said, with the recent timeline discussions and other changes, people are watching Twitter for any changes, with many predicting the death of Twitter. (Oh, the irony of trending hashtags when #RIPTwitter is popular.)

Twitter may not relent fully, but it may cheapen the product through Gnip. Alternatively, it may release some kind of "sample" share count metric instead. Serving up share count data on all links certainly costs a lot of money from a technical side. I'm sure this removal decision was reached with a "here's how much money we'll save" attached to it.

Questions about Twitter's direction as a business

For a while, Twitter focused itself on being a breaking news business. At SMX East in 2013, Twitter's Richard Alfonsi spoke about Twitter being in competition with media and journalism and being a second screen while consuming other media.

Lack of share counts, however, make it hard for companies to prove direct value. (Though I'm sure there are many advertisers wanting only lead generation and direct sales from the platform.) Small businesses, who can't easily prove other value, aren't going to see an easy investment in the platform.

Not to mention that issues around harassment have caused problems even celebrities with large followings like Sue Perkins (UK comedian), Joss Whedon (director and producer), Zelda Williams (daughter of Robin Williams), and Anne Wheaton (wife of Wil Wheaton). This garners extremely bad publicity for the company, especially when most were active users of Twitter.

No doubt Twitter shareholders are on edge when stock prices went down and the platform added a net of 0 new users in Q4 of 2015. Is the removal of share counts something in the long list of reasons why Twitter didn't grow in Q4? Twitter has made some big revenue and shipping promises to shareholders in response.

Someone will build a tool to scrape Twitter and sell share counts.

When Google rolled out (not provided), every SEO software company clamored to make tools to get around it. Since Gnip data is so expensive, it's pretty impractical for most companies. The only way to actually build this tool would be to scrape all of Twitter, which has many perils. Companies like Hootsuite, Buffer, and SproutSocial are the best set up to do it more easily, but they may not want to anger Twitter.

What are your predictions for Twitter's future without share counts? Did you use the share counts for your brand, and how did you use them? What will you be using instead?

Header image by MKH Marketing.

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